Drupal and WordPress Recovery Kit
Drupal and WordPress Website 500/400/WSOD Recovery Services
Thank you for entrusting us to help you get your website back online! Please fill out this simple intake form to get started right away. Upon receipt of your contact information and details on how to access your server, Recovery-Kit will confirm with you either with questions or with an invoice to get started!
The invoice for the upfront retainer of $250 USD ensures that your website will be back online and serving customers (and google!) in whatever least-effort makes the most sense: This typically means that some outdated plugins or themes which cannot be easily updated (via normal marketplace means or by minimal, custom modification) may be removed/disabled in order to get your website running again. If a disabled plugin or theme is critical to your business, you may be offered an opportunity to engage us in hourly increments at $150/hr to continue recovering your website’s full functionality. If a given plugin or theme can be purchased, we will ask whether you already have the license or will reimburse Recovery-Kit for its purchase and install it on your behalf.
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